We make modern renditions of epic legends by writing urban fantasy
short stories and novels

New Release!

Pandora’s Box

The White Knight Series

A college-aged kid on a train gets hurled into a fight for his life against relentless demons that descend upon New York City.

Ben Miles, an unsuspecting hero, must harness the power bestowed upon him by a Greek Goddess to transform into the awe-inspiring White Knight. Armed with extraordinary abilities and unwavering courage, he becomes New York City’s last hope against creatures long forgotten.

Dive into this electrifying adventure and join the mythical battle for survival—where heroes are made and legends are born.


Ben Miles - White Knight

Ben Miles - Pandora’s Box - Excerpt

The train swayed side to side as it raced down the underground subways. I gripped the comic in my hand and read intently, blocking out all the other passengers as they came and went from the train. White Knight issue #7 was out. A man with the spirit of a hero from a bygone age who fended off evil in modern times. He was the newest addition to the line of comic book heroes that Fantastical Comics had released. They were releasing a new line of heroes based on ancient warriors but in urban settings. Gifted with ghostly supernatural powers from the spirits of dead warriors, they chased demons, monsters, and evil back into the crypts they spawned from. There was something visceral and terrifying in the art. Each panel connected these dynamically colored heroes to a dark and grittier world.

Durand Gaspard - Adjudicator

Durand Gaspard - The Second Sun - Excerpt

There is nothing like entering a library for the first time. That moment of calmness, which greets you at every future entrance, feels like returning home after a long journey. It was because of this that I decided to open my bookstore. I was chasing after that calmness, and I was hoping to be a source of peace for others.

The shop was busy today. It was a Saturday which was the best day of the week. I relaxed in my high green leather chair and watched people meander through the racks. Light beamed through the windows which arched along the front shop wall. Steam swirled from my tea as I took a sip.

Second Sun - The Adjudicator Series

  • The Adjudicator series follows Durand Gaspard as he tries to retire from the magical courts. However, his keen ability to solve mysteries keeps bringing him back into political plots and homicides.

Pandora’s Box - The White Knight Poster

  • The White Knight Series kicks off with Ben Miles, an unsuspecting Hero, becoming the one thing between NYC and a horde of demons.

  • Ben Miles, an unsuspecting hero, must harness the power bestowed upon him by a Greek Goddess to transform into the awe-inspiring *White Knight*. Armed with extraordinary abilities and unwavering courage, he becomes New York City’s last hope against creatures long forgotten.

    Read the first 6 short stories now!

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Message to our readers…

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While reading, it is a truly spectacular feeling when the suspension of disbelief seeps in and the world around you falls away to only be replaced by fireballs, wizards, and the occasional were-lion.

Since I was a kid, I have always enjoyed that escapism. A rugged urban fantasy setting that always seems to create the most vibrant characters. There is something about the monster lurking behind every alley that left me more connected to what I was reading. It wasn’t a land far far away in a time hardly remembered, it was the old pizza shop on Jefferson and 3rd or a shortcut I decided to make through a park late at night. The mystery and thrill of uncovering the truth behind the mysterious stranger sitting next to you at the bar. You never know when you are going to meet a struggling ancient Greek hero hoping to forget their most recent adventure. For moments like this, urban fantasy is one of my favorite genres. What would Achilles have to say or Hercules if he was still around? What does that hero look like today after years of kicking around? The History of Folly Series endeavors to take the great myths of our past and modernize those monsters and heroes into a setting that feels more tangible. Of course, it wouldn’t be a fun retelling without a twist!

I hope that the characters and stories of the History of Folly series become a place for you to escape from the day-to-day. I have absolutely loved writing this series over the last decade now… it’s hard to believe I am getting that old… I hope that the crazy stories created by the adventures of these characters are something you come to love and enjoy as much as I have. If I can do that then I will know I have accomplished the dream I had as a kid. To add to this amazing genre that has given me so much joy over the years.

Happy reading,

Deric Wagner

Meet the Author

Deric, by day, is a financial consultant and, by any other time, could be found playing video games, watching anime, or sword fighting. Yeah, you heard that right. He participates in a modern sport for historical sword fighting called HEMA and enjoys a good longsword, dagger, or sword and buckler fight on the weekends. It is often also noticed that Deric and Batman are never in the same room, but let us leave those rumors to the tabloids as we know what’s happening.

Deric grew up reading urban fantasy novels by Jim Butcher, Ilona Andrews, and Shayne Silvers. These authors inspired Deric to work on his books and urban fantasy universe. This culminated in the completion of his first book back in 2015! However, he realized there was a more exciting story to tell before this initial book. The History of Folly series begins with the first entries in the short story series, Ben Miles as the White Knight and Durand Gaspard as the Adjudicator. However, this is just the start of a larger journey across an expansive cast of characters and urban cities.

Deric Wagner
